Wow, time goes by so fast! April was a busy month for us! Avery enjoyed her first Easter. She looked precious in her dress and I loved playing the Easter Bunny! I can't wait for Christmas, now! We stayed home for Easter this year and went to our church. Avery stayed in the nursery for the first time on Easter. She did great! They said she was the only baby that didn't cry. That's my girl!
We switched Avery to a 4 hour eat/wake/sleep schedule on April 16th and she didn't even notice. She naps better and started sleeping through the night without feeding on April 21st. She would wake up around 5:30am wanting her paci but then she would go back to sleep. As of April 30th she is now sleeping without needing me at all until I wake her at 7:30am. Her schedule now is she eats at 7:30am, 11:30am, 3:30pm, 7:30pm and I do a dreamfeed at 10:30pm. I am hesitant to drop the dreamfeed yet b/c nights are going so well. It won't be long, though! She eats 6 oz bottles. We began giving her oatmeal cereal by spoon about a week ago. She only gets it after her first morning bottle and doesn't eat much at's mainly just for practice. Louis and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary April 17th. Avery stayed with Grandma while Louis and I saw the Blue Man Group.

We took our first trip to Falls Park in downtown Greenville a couple weeks ago. It was a beautiful day and we took some great pictures!

Avery loves her exersaucer and johnny jump-up now! She is laughing and squealing a lot these days! She is a very happy baby! She still only rolls tummy to back....she hates being on her tummy so I don't really expect her to willingly roll onto her tummy from her back for a while. We'll see.

Teething has officially begun. She is constantly drooling and chewing on her hands. Runs a low grade temp and gets cranky lately. I can see a white spot on her lower left gum. I have a feeling she will teethe on and off for a few months before it pops through. Luckily, she has a great personality and other than being a bit cranky she is handling it well. We still swaddle her, although for about the past month or so I've been leaving one arm out. I'm attempting to wean her from it. I leave both arms out for one of her naps right now and she does not nap well at that time.
Avery had her first dip in a pool last weekend. It was 90 degrees and sunny so we just couldn't resist! She looked SO cute in her bathing suit! She didn't really know what to think of the pool, but towards the end she started to splash a little. She certainly didn't mind being in it, just really didn't know what she was supposed to do I guess!
Probably the biggest change that occured in April was that I quit my job! My last day was April 27th. I just missed her too much and am so excited to stay home with her! It's helping with her sleeping as well b/c I'm being very consistent. (Yes, I do let her cry some)
She doesn't go for her 4 month well check until May 14th, but I'll post her stats at that time!